Am I Starving My Kids?

It’s a serious question. I ask because they it seems as if I am when school is in session. This is based on the difference in the amount of food I buy during the school year and during the summer. Here we are in the final week of the school year and I’m already starting to see the shift.

We have 3 kids, all teenagers, all high level athletes, 2 girls and a boy. This is the norm August through May.

All three of them have early morning practice for their sports so they eat a small breakfast before they leave and then have something a little more substantial after practice. That’s understandable. Now my son is notorious for eating 2 lunches but he is a growing teenage boy so I don’t worry so much about that. He is in the latest lunch though so he goes quite awhile without food until lunch. The girls are in different lunches but survive with no problem between 2nd breakfast and lunch. A small caveat, Dad is a teacher at their school so they occasionally go to his office and grab something from his stash.

SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER (I actually sang this out loud while typing)

Since all 3 are athletes they all attend summer training which starts at like 8am. It’s an hour and a half and then the girls do an hour of volleyball.

Nearly not as much activity as they have during the school year but yet they turn into vacuum cleaners. The following is not an exaggeration.

No joke. This is why I ask if I’m starving them during the school year? I mean how do they start their days at 6am and then go the entire day with only one actual meal in the middle of the day? I know I’m not the only parent who may need a second or third job to support my grocery bill in the summer. Oh and my husband is a teacher so he’s home in the summer too. He’s not AS bad as the kids but he is a snacker. The kids definitely got that from him.

All this to say GOOD LUCK to all of you parents as school comes to an end. My you and your family have a great summer!