December 24
Merry Christmas Eve! The Advent calendar of Christmas movies is almost all opened and Christmas Eve only means one thing in this house...A CHRISTMAS STORY! Ever since the tradition of 24 hours of A Christmas Story started I have watched it. Seriously, it is the only thing on our TV starting Christmas Eve. I will usually be a couple of large pours of my favorite cabernet in as I settle into my room with a folding table, wrapping paper, tape and A Christmas Story. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve watched it on Christmas Eve, I watch it again. There was one year that I watched it for a full 12 hours while wrapping gifts. Yes I’m a procrastinator and I wait to wrap like an idiot. Every year I tell myself that I’m actually going to be able to sleep this year, but no, I’m up wrapping. That’s a whole other story in Christi’s crazy life.
A Christmas Story is good because it is just juvenile. “You’ll shoot your eye out” of course being the line we all quote constantly. Ralphie’s little brother getting dressed for the snow and he can’t put down his arms. Makes me giggle every time, and that’s without the wine. If this has not become a tradition in your house, you should make it one. Be careful though. If you have a daredevil of a son, he will try and lick a pole to see if his tongue sticks. Ask me how I know.