Multiple Calendars Means You’re Organized...Right?

I think a lot of you know by now that my life is insane. 3 kids that play travel sports, a crazy dog that wreaks HAVOC in our house, and a full time career that does not have a normal schedule. This is why I have a multitude of calendars. Yes, I have the calendar on my phone and on my computer like most people. The one on my phone has work stuff and family stuff. The one on my computer is just work stuff. Is this the right way to do it? Probably not, but it works for me.

BUT THEN...there are the paper calendars. I have several. You read that correctly. SEVERAL. It really helps keep up the facade that I’m the most organized mom in San Antonio.

First I have a desk calendar that I write quick notes on and doodle on when I’m on the phone. If someone is going to be out of the office it’s written on this calendar. If we have an event it’s written on this calendar. If the kids have something it’s written on this calendar.

I also have a spiral calendar that I carry with me. This is mainly for me to write every appointment I have down in it. Is it an exact mirror of my phone calendar? Yes. So why have it? I figure if I type it in my phone and then write it down I won’t forget. (My husband knows it’s just so I can use fun pens)

I used to use washi tape and stickers in my spiral calendars, but that got expensive. Admittedly I would forget to do the stickers and stuff for my week and I would then feel guilty.

I then have a wall calendar that shows what Y100 has going on promotionally. What concerts are coming, and any PTO that the jocks may have. This calendar is out there for everyone on the team to see so they can also keep up. Anyone can just walk in my office and check out the calendar to see what is going on with everyone at Y100.

No one is allowed to write on any of my calendars but me. Brody has tried to write things once or twice and I will just erase it later and re-write it. The dude has some seriously interesting hand writing. I’m super neat on my calendars and I want to keep it that way. Sometimes I think he writes on the calendars just to see how serious I am about not letting any one write on my calendar. Just ask him how I feel about it.

Do my multiple calendars make me more organized? ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NOT! It looks good though.