If you’ve been unsuccessful in your quest to find 8 Man Jam tickets, let us offer you another way: JESUS. Spurs Jesus, to be exact.
His wife, Karsen, is running for River Walk Royalty this year, and we’d love to help crown her QUEEN.
Each member’s royal title is awarded based on the funds they raise for the San Antonio Hospitality Foundation which provides local students with hospitality and tourism scholarships. Tourism in an integral part of our city, and we want to make sure interested students have what they need to succeed to keep San Antonio one of the top tourist destinations in the world!
How can you help Karsen? BY HELPING YOURSELF!
We gave Spurs Jesus a pair of tickets to 8 Man Jam. We also conned the powers that be into giving us a Meet & Greet with our headliner, SCOTTY MCCREERY, which we also gave to Jesus.
It’s an unconventional way in, but we told you we’d highlight them all!